Thursday, October 30, 2014

Fun fall holiday traditions

By: Dorian Jenkins

Every year, fall marks the beginning of the holiday season. Two of the most popular fall holidays would be Halloween and Thanksgiving. These holidays are a lot of fun and great celebrations.

Halloween is celebrated all around the world in the Roman Catholic Religion and is a holiday honoring the dead. It is said that all of those who have died in that prior year will rise up and roam the earth on this night. Halloween is currently celebrated with costumes, trick or treating and superstitions. Halloween traditions would include visiting haunted houses, going to the pumpkin patches to pick out your pumpkins, carving the pumpkins, hayrides and corn mazes. Another important factor of Halloween is the colors: orange and black. The orange represents the color of fall and how the leaves change and also the color of the crops. The black represents the death of summer and the changing season. A very important factor of Halloween is candy. Candy is everywhere around this time and the most popular is candy corn. It was not originally meant for Halloween, however the colors and the shape of the candy ended up becoming very popular each year around Halloween time. Ali Ayotte, a student at Seckman, says, “Halloween is my favorite holiday and I love celebrating and doing all of the traditions in the fall. My family does pretty much everything you can do for Halloween.”

One of the other very popular holidays to celebrate in the fall is Thanksgiving. Each year, on the fourth Thursday in November, Americans gather for a day of feasting, football, and family time. This holiday continues in America every year with some updates to the original Pilgrims’ menu. On this Thursday, almost every family gathers together and prepares a huge feast of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and corn. Breanna Robbins, of Seckman High School says, “My family stays at home, has the traditional feast, watches the football game and enjoys being with each other on this day.” The most famous part of Thanksgiving is the turkey. The turkey was not brought to the table with the original pilgrims, but it is something we have adopted as being a traditional meat to eat as the main course of the holiday. Another popular tradition of many families is watching the famous Macy’s Day Parade. This parade is a wonderful celebration held in New York every year and people all over the world turn on the television just to watch it. Something else to turn the television on for would be the NFL Thanksgiving football game; it is very popular to watch on Thanksgiving because football is a popular sport in America and there is always a game being shown.

These two famous holidays have been celebrated for many years and have adopted many fun and sometimes strange traditions. The holidays are fun and a great time for families to spend together. Alyson Tidwell, a sophomore at Seckman High School, says, “I celebrate these holidays with my family every year I love when the fall season comes because of them.”

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